Monday, September 13, 2010

I helped break a world record

oh. and we stayed after to be extras in the music video. (you might just want to skip to the next video..thats the good stuff)

sooo you can't see us in the real music video. bummer, i know. but they have a "making of" the video and you can see me!! dont ask how long it took me to find us because that is irrelevant. you can find me at 2:55. Far right. turquoise shorts. 

did i get hit in the face? yes
did it hurt? yes
was it worth every second? yes.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAH i could just hear your sarcastic voice in my head saying "don't ask how many times i watched it because thats just irrelevent" hahahaha but thats SUPPPPERR cool!! i fastforwarded and i saw YOUU!! haha verrrry cool!
